N P Anand

Director General

Social Justice And Women Empowerment Board

Government Of India

Our Vision is to make Indian citizens strong & to make women empowered.  Every one should get those basic human rights which they deserve , And freedoms  would ensure the dignity of the individual and the well-being  of the community. Rights would be protected by legislation and upheld by a  justice system to which everyone would have ready and equal access.  The main purpose of this Board is to establish a new policy for Indian citizens, equality right , equality justice , justice on time , women safety , women protection , women empowered, new formulation plan for small scale crimes under this board. 


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218 Western Wing Tis Hazari Court Delhi –110054

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Our Services

Equality Rights
Equality Rights

India's Constitution enshrines the principle of equality as a fundamental right. This is reflected in Articles 14 to 18, collectively known as the Right to Equality

Equality and Justice
Equality And Justice

India's Constitution promises equality before the law and equal protection of the laws to all its citizens. This is a cornerstone of Indian democracy.

Women Safety
Women Safety

Women's safety in India is a pressing issue that has garnered significant attention both nationally and internationally. Despite progressive laws and government initiatives.

Women Empowered
Women Empowered

Women's empowerment in India has witnessed significant strides in recent decades, but challenges persist. A complex interplay of factors, including government policies, societal attitudes, and economic conditions, shapes the landscape

Women's Protection
Women's Protection

Women's safety is a critical issue in India. While significant strides have been made in recent years, challenges persist.

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