Our Vision is to make Indian citizens strong & to make women empowered.
Every one should get those basic human rights which they deserve , And freedoms would ensure the dignity of the individual and the well-being of the community. Rights would be protected by legislation and upheld by a justice system to which everyone would have ready and equal access. The main purpose of this Board is to establish a new policy for Indian citizens.
equality right , equality justice , justice on time , women safety , women protection ,
women empowered, new formulation plan for small scale crimes under this board . Under the supervision of Social Justice & empowerment ministry this board shall solve those cases by their own which not required to go and appeal in the courts . The Top experts of judiciary retired honoble judges team and Lawyers will be assigned for the legal aspects for the citizens . The Board will also give the platform of the employment as well as a vision to the youngsters to support board policies and to aware in all the small regions of the states.